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Pat turned 27 last year. For
his birthday, we got together with friends to play Steel McRad, a totally awesome and unique frisbee game. In honor of the game, and of course Pat, I made him a Wham-o Frisbee cake. I know, I could have done a bit better on the roundness of the frisbee but I'm learning. It was my first time using fondant - props to those who know how to use it to create masterpieces, you're amazing!The cake turned out quite tasty - yellow butter cake with lemon butter-cream filling.
Well - here are our Fall/Thanksgiving cookies. No - nothing spectacular, but that's because we had to frost them quick or else they'd be eaten before we could frost them at all! You see, the first attempt at making these cookies ended up in my sister's family and me eating all the dough (yes, a double batch) before we could turn out any baked cookies.The second attempt I made the dough AND baked the cookies before any of my sister's kids got home from school. That was successful and luckily, I had my other sister to help get them frosted before any of them disappeared. And - in all honesty, sometimes it doesn't matter how elaborately decorated a cookie is right? It's mainly the taste that counts!
I have always, always, always enjoyed cookies. I looked in my baby/childhood book and on one page the question "What does Anna-Lisa spend her allowance on?" was asked. A sibling was filling this page out for me and the reply was, "Anna-Lisa doesn't spend money, she saves it. Unless it's cookie day at school."
Cookies are my most extreme tasty treat weakness - not chocolate, not cakes, not ice's really just cookies. My most favorite cookie is a sugar cookie with pink frosting so you can imagine how much I love Valentines Day! One of my other extreme weaknesses if hydrangeas, the flowers above that I crawled through at the Bellagio so I could get my picture taken with hydrangea's surrounding me.
Back to cookies - I'm starting this blog up for my own sake. I want to capture all the sugar cookies and cupcakes that I create and store them somewhere. I figured a blog is as good a spot as any so here goes. Well, I just found out that my St. Patrick's Day cookie pictures that Pat took on Thursday were all erased on accident....I didn't think that losing pictures happened anymore in the digital age but I guess that's the way the cookie crumbles! (I'm sorry, sometimes I can be horribly pun-y.) And of course, we can't take anymore pictures because the cookies are gone. It's Sunday - I told you sugar cookies are my weakness! So, to make sure none of my other pictures get lost, I am going to start posting them all up.